Hi there, I'm Arlene Oetomo
pronounced   ar-LEEN   OO-tow-mow (“oe” is pronounced like “oo” in “loose”)
I am a settler, cis woman, able-bodied, middle-class child of immigrants of the Asian diaspora, living and working on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabeg, the Haudenosaunee and the Lenaapeewak people of Turtle Island. This land is known as Treaty 29 Territory, colonially known as southwestern Ontario, Canada. I was born and grew up in the 'Dish With One Spoon Territory' known today as Toronto.
Most of my time is spent being a climate change and public health researcher as a PhD candidate in the School of Public Health Sciences at the University of Waterloo. My research lies at the intersections of health, technology and the climate crisis. Taking an intersectional and multidisciplinary approach, I'm examining ways to strengthen current heat health warning systems using data from the Internet of Things (IoT), like smart home thermostats and social media, to explore the collective understanding of the dangers of heat waves. Please click here to learn more about my research.
As a kid, I commandeered the digital point-and-shoot camera during trips. But it wasn't until 2018, when I bought my first camera, that I really got serious about photography. My camera has motivated me to see the stars, chase the auroras just north of the 43rd parallel, and learn about the plants and animals we live among. I've been very privileged to travel to many places, and seeing mountains of trash and walking inside dying glaciers has inspired me to not just take photos but also to be a voice for nature. There's so much at stake.
I hope you enjoy the beauty of Turtle Island and our planet through the images shared.